The Harvest of Faith: Watering the Word of God with Thanksgiving, Praise, and Worship


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by: Manatha Young



Every believer carries a precious seed within them - the Word of God. It's a promise and a guiding light in our lives that needs to be nurtured and cultivated, much like a seed in a field. Our spiritual journey is a fertile ground where we plant this seed of faith deeply. But how do we ensure that this seed grows into a bountiful harvest? The answer lies in watering this seed with our thanksgiving, praise, and worship – the essential nutrients that empower the Word of God to flourish within us.

Watering the Seed with Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is the first raindrop that moistens the dry soil around the seed. It's an expression of gratitude towards our Creator for His love, grace, and abundant blessings. Every moment of thanksgiving nourishes the seed, allowing it to take root in our hearts. When we give thanks, we acknowledge God's goodness and mercy, and affirm our faith in His promises. 

In the face of trials and tribulations, thanksgiving serves as a reminder of God's unfailing love and faithfulness. This form of watering our seed helps us to remain grounded in faith, nourishing the promise within us and allowing it to sprout.

Watering the Seed with Praise

Praise is the sunlight that the seed needs to break through the soil and reach towards the heavens. When we praise God, we openly express our admiration and respect for His divine nature and works. Praise strengthens our connection with God and enables us to tap into His divine power.

In the book of Psalms, David often uses praise as a weapon to break down spiritual barriers and make way for God's promises to manifest. By praising God in every situation, we too can ensure that our seed is well-nourished and on its way to becoming a healthy plant that will yield a bountiful harvest.

Watering the Seed with Worship

Worship is the fertile soil that provides the seed with a solid foundation. True worship is a profound, intimate connection with God that goes beyond singing songs. It is about surrendering ourselves entirely to God, aligning our spirit with His, and living in obedience to His Word.

When we worship, we cultivate an environment conducive to the growth of the seed. We create a space where the seed can grow and flourish under the nurturing warmth of God's love. Worship enables us to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit's guidance, helping us to make the right decisions that align with God's will and promises.

Laying it All on the Altar

As we water our seed with thanksgiving, praise, and worship, we must also remember to lay our lives on the altar in submission to God's will. This act of surrender is akin to preparing the field for the harvest. It is in this surrender that we make way for God to work in our lives, to prune us, and to prepare us for the harvest.

Expecting the Harvest

The process of sowing, watering, and nurturing the seed is a journey of faith and patience. It is about believing in the promise of the harvest even when we cannot see it. It's about trusting in God's perfect timing and knowing that every drop of thanksgiving, every ray of praise, and every moment of worship is bringing us closer to the harvest.

The harvest of faith is a magnificent testimony of God's faithfulness and love. It is the manifestation of God's promises in our lives. However, the road to the harvest is not always easy or straightforward. It can be filled with trials and tribulations that test our faith and resilience. But it is these challenges that make the harvest even more rewarding.

Remember, the farmer does not plant the seed and then forget about it. He tends to it, cares for it, and patiently waits for it to grow. He doesn't dig up the seed every day to see if it's growing, but trusts in the process. Likewise, we must also trust in God's process. We need to have faith that the seed we've planted and watered with our thanksgiving, praise, and worship will grow in God's time.

Building a Habit of Thanksgiving, Praise, and Worship

Indeed, watering our seed with thanksgiving, praise, and worship should not be a sporadic or occasional practice, but a lifestyle. It should be a consistent part of our walk with God, reflecting our unwavering faith in His promises.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 encourages us, "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." 

When we make thanksgiving, praise, and worship a daily habit, we ensure that our seed is constantly watered and well-nourished. It also enables us to stay rooted in God's Word, and to stand firm in our faith, irrespective of the storms that life may bring.

And as we do this, let us also remember the words of Galatians 6:9, "And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up." For our Father, who has promised, is faithful, and the harvest of our faith will surely come.

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Every believer carries a precious seed within them - the Word of God. It's a promise and a guiding light in our lives that needs to be nurtured and cultivated, much like a seed in a field. Our spiritual journey is a fertile ground where we plant this seed of faith deeply. But how do we ensure that this seed grows into a bountiful harvest? The answer lies in watering this seed with our thanksgiving, praise, and worship – the essential nutrients that empower the Word of God to flourish within us.

Watering the Seed with Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is the first raindrop that moistens the dry soil around the seed. It's an expression of gratitude towards our Creator for His love, grace, and abundant blessings. Every moment of thanksgiving nourishes the seed, allowing it to take root in our hearts. When we give thanks, we acknowledge God's goodness and mercy, and affirm our faith in His promises. 

In the face of trials and tribulations, thanksgiving serves as a reminder of God's unfailing love and faithfulness. This form of watering our seed helps us to remain grounded in faith, nourishing the promise within us and allowing it to sprout.

Watering the Seed with Praise

Praise is the sunlight that the seed needs to break through the soil and reach towards the heavens. When we praise God, we openly express our admiration and respect for His divine nature and works. Praise strengthens our connection with God and enables us to tap into His divine power.

In the book of Psalms, David often uses praise as a weapon to break down spiritual barriers and make way for God's promises to manifest. By praising God in every situation, we too can ensure that our seed is well-nourished and on its way to becoming a healthy plant that will yield a bountiful harvest.

Watering the Seed with Worship

Worship is the fertile soil that provides the seed with a solid foundation. True worship is a profound, intimate connection with God that goes beyond singing songs. It is about surrendering ourselves entirely to God, aligning our spirit with His, and living in obedience to His Word.

When we worship, we cultivate an environment conducive to the growth of the seed. We create a space where the seed can grow and flourish under the nurturing warmth of God's love. Worship enables us to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit's guidance, helping us to make the right decisions that align with God's will and promises.

Laying it All on the Altar

As we water our seed with thanksgiving, praise, and worship, we must also remember to lay our lives on the altar in submission to God's will. This act of surrender is akin to preparing the field for the harvest. It is in this surrender that we make way for God to work in our lives, to prune us, and to prepare us for the harvest.

Expecting the Harvest

The process of sowing, watering, and nurturing the seed is a journey of faith and patience. It is about believing in the promise of the harvest even when we cannot see it. It's about trusting in God's perfect timing and knowing that every drop of thanksgiving, every ray of praise, and every moment of worship is bringing us closer to the harvest.

The harvest of faith is a magnificent testimony of God's faithfulness and love. It is the manifestation of God's promises in our lives. However, the road to the harvest is not always easy or straightforward. It can be filled with trials and tribulations that test our faith and resilience. But it is these challenges that make the harvest even more rewarding.

Remember, the farmer does not plant the seed and then forget about it. He tends to it, cares for it, and patiently waits for it to grow. He doesn't dig up the seed every day to see if it's growing, but trusts in the process. Likewise, we must also trust in God's process. We need to have faith that the seed we've planted and watered with our thanksgiving, praise, and worship will grow in God's time.

Building a Habit of Thanksgiving, Praise, and Worship

Indeed, watering our seed with thanksgiving, praise, and worship should not be a sporadic or occasional practice, but a lifestyle. It should be a consistent part of our walk with God, reflecting our unwavering faith in His promises.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 encourages us, "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." 

When we make thanksgiving, praise, and worship a daily habit, we ensure that our seed is constantly watered and well-nourished. It also enables us to stay rooted in God's Word, and to stand firm in our faith, irrespective of the storms that life may bring.

And as we do this, let us also remember the words of Galatians 6:9, "And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up." For our Father, who has promised, is faithful, and the harvest of our faith will surely come.

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